To buy our machines
You never lose with good disinfection!
Basis for life:
Independent from crisis
There is always a new one:
Threats from pandemics
Alcohol enters the blood via the skin
3 steps to your success
Sell in your country B2B or B2C
Earn good money
Rethink disinfection!
One active ingredient - dozens of applications
Our active ingredient, a stable hyperchloride, has a wide range of applications.
The active ingredient has been successfully used in drinking water disinfection for years.
The active ingredient can be dosed into the cold water pipe in houses. The water can continue to be drunk during drinking water disinfection.
Because the active ingredient is stable, it can be used bottled in the military, outdoor and survival sector.
And of course you can easily disinfect surfaces. Our hyperchloride also protects sensitive surfaces such as plexiglass.
It is used in the food industry, among other things to disinfect pipelines. This method can save two steps in disinfection. (HAACP approval)
You can spray it with cold mist and use it to disinfect large areas quickly and cheaply. Alcohol would explode.
The areas of application depend on country-specific approvals.
Unique selling proposition
- Combats the strongest odors, even butyric acid or animal odors
- Feels good on the skin, certified by Dermatest®
- Alcohol penetrates the blood through the skin - measurable in permille. With our hyperchloride you are safe from this.
- PH value adjustable on the production machine, easy to market for different industrial requirements.
- With a neutral pH value, well tolerated by textiles, laundry.
- Since it does not contain alcohol, the active ingredient can be cold-fogged. This increases efficiency: less staff required, large areas are disinfected quickly.
What is different from other Hyperchloride machines?
Point 1
Long shelf life
Point 2
Adjustable PH value
Point 3
Activation by electrolysis
Where do you sell the machines?
- You can inquire about all countries - but not Germany. Here we produce ourselves.
How much does a machine produce?
- parallel per hour 200 to 250 liters of anolyte and 40 to 60 liters of catholyte. This means up to 182,700 l /month at 24/7.
What ingredients are needed?
- Alternating current for electrolysis, softened water and evaporated salt
What requirements apply to the production location?
- L 160 cm x B 70 cm x H 148 cm , 275 kg.
- Alternating current, frost-proof, not above 40 degrees Celsius, relative humidity 10%-80%. Local installation regulations and standards must be observed.
- Power supply: 400 volts AC, 3.5 KW
What parameters can be set for the hyperchloride?
- Volume flow, conductivity, PH value, anolytic acid from 300 to 600 ppm
Other parameters of the machine
- Actively ventilated control cabinet with electronic PLC control for monitoring of production. Six membrane electrolysis cells. Adjustable brine dosing pump with dry-running protection. Process water inlet is electronically controlled by a proportional valve, optical visual inspection
Fragen und Antworten rund um organische Gerüche
Was sind organsiche Gerüche
Organische Gerüche sind z.B. Urin, Verwesungsgerüche, Nikotin, aber auch Buttersäure.
Natürlich gehören zu den organischen Gerüche auch erwünschte Gerüche, wie Rosenduft, Lavendel, Holzgeruch, um nur einige zu nennen.
Mit Tovasan® lassen sich unerwünschte Gerüche problemlos entfernen.
Wie beseitigst du organische Gerüche?
1. Beseitige die Quelle. Also reinige oder wasche zuerst da, was stinkt.
2. Dann sprühst du das mit Tovasan ein.
Beispiele: Dein Welpe ist noch nicht stubenrein und hat in die Wohnung gemacht. Wische erst das Pipi weg, dann sprühe mit Tovasan® darüber. Dann kann dein Welpe nicht mehr riechen, wo er zuletzt hingemacht hat.
Zuchtkater und Katertoilette stinkt
Du hast einen Zuchtkater? Deine Katertoilette steht in der Wohnung? Klar, ....wo sonst. Weil dein Kater unkastriert ist, ist der Geruch besonders unangenehm.
Die Geruchsbeseitigung geht ganz einfach:
1. Katertoilette grundlegend reinigen
2. Katertoilette mit Tovasan® einsprühen, einwirken lassen. Nachwischen nicht notwendig.
Innerhalb 1 Minute ist der Geruch beseitigt.